100th Post - August Overview

Finally, here are my recommendations for August, hope you enjoy them and find them interesting to watch, listen, and eat. In the meantime, August has much to offer especially in London, so head out this month and take in all the best new events, exhibitions and best events in the capital.

Yes, British Summer Time has officially begun, and, despite no guaranteed sun, it's time for Londoners to step outside. Whilst the capital's museums still offer some of the world's best exhibitions (and are perfect respite from the inevitable summer rain), London's offering a whole heap of fantastic outdoor activities to take part in.

The laws of physics dictate that what goes up, must come down. Even when it feels as if our feet are a million miles off the ground. But when we’ve hit rock bottom we hope that some way, some how, our fortunes will change. That a great force will reverse the trend. Life is filled with high rollers. Some people choose to bet on themselves. While others are happy to bet on someone else. But luck is a funny thing. It’s easy to accept it when it goes your way, but when it doesn’t…Call it injustice, call it treachery. But remember, the most important rule in gambling is that the house always wins. 

Let's just say this Summer has had it challenges from work to my personal life its all been thrown up in the air and I'm still holding my breath for when the pieces will finally fall into place. Uncertainty is a killer, and in some ways so is a lot of hope. For me, that what gets me out of bed; hope. the hope of a better day, the hope things will be okay in the end and when they don't it somehow feels cruel. And that's hope I can describe this summer; its been a Cruel Summer and I for one cannot wait for a new season.

Notting Hill Carnival

Europe’s biggest street festival hasn’t been able to go ahead IRL for the last two years, so see in Notting Hill Carnival’s triumphant return, as it fills the streets of west London with soundsystems, steel bands, jerk chicken, feathers, Red Stripe and plenty of dancing.

An estimated 2.5 million attendees will make their way to W10 and W11 over the long weekend so it’s a real spectacle with floats, trucks and music.

If you’re after a more chilled NHC experience, bank holiday Sunday is family day, while Monday is the more hard-partying parade. Watch this space for more details about the parade route, sound system map and food stalls. 

However, if you feel like relaxing this month, then put your feet up and enjoy Harper's Bazaar magazine, full of celebrity gossip, style and secrets!! Hope you all enjoy my recommendations and have a fun time in August...

See you in September!!! Have Fun... xxx


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