2nd Post - May 2014

Music - Album of the Month

Singer/ Songwriter Paolo Nutini has released his 3rd album Caustic Love which is clearly the work of a maturing singer-songwriter, it finds the 27-year-old still skittering around in search of an artistic identity. The album opens with the upbeat horn blast of debut single Scream (Funk My Life Up). When I first heard this bluntly sexy, slightly silly song on the radio it made me want to wind the car windows down and will the summer on. That song runs into a duet with a slinky, heartbroken sample from Bettye Lavette’s 1965 soul hit Let Me Down Easy, which survives due to the original’s greatness and a heartfelt opening lyric: “We are broken by others/ But we mend ourselves.”But thereafter the album skids into the first of a couple of hip-hop instrumentals that add to the album’s sense of bittiness and failure to settle into a groove. There are still enough high points, though, including the tender, acoustic Better Man, the smooth nightclub sound of Diana and the rock soul epic Iron Sky, which references Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator. My rating 7.5/10.


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