January 2016 - Food

Where to Eat this Month - Hawksmoor Steakhouse

The Spitalfields outpost of this outstanding group of high-quality steakhouses.This Spitalfields steakhouse has wooed much of London since opening in 2006; word-of-blog has only served to create an even bigger buzz around the restaurant and its food. A case of the emperor’s new clothes? We think not. Hawksmoor’s USP is in supplying excellent produce cooked well, focusing on top-quality beef from renowned London butcher Ginger Pig. There’s a serious attitude to beef provenance and an impressive list of breeds; Longhorn is always available, but guest breeds range from Herefords to Lincoln Reds. The savvy staff do a terrific job of explaining the differences. Steaks are seared on Josper charcoal grills to crusty-outside, tender-inside perfection. The menu doesn’t stop at the bovine, with Tamworth pork ribs, crab and samphire salad, and lobsters all making an appearance. The luxe burger, studded with nuggets of bone marrow, might seem to be gilding the lily, but it’s certainly pretty good. For dessert, chocolate fudge sundaes and strawberry trifle are dependable options. My rating 9/10.


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