55th Post - November Overview

Finally, here are my recommendations for November, hope you enjoy them and find them interesting to watch, listen and eat. In the meantime, November has a lot to offer especially in London, so head this month and take in all the best new events, exhibitions and best events in the capital. London is a treasure trove of brilliant days out and activities worth boasting about. Whether you live and work in the capital or you’re planning a holiday, you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to finding fab ways to fill a free day with fun.
How do you look today? You know image is everything. But under those perfect clothes and perfect smiles, everyone has their not-so-perfect secrets. Lucky for me, nothing can stay hidden forever. Whether the truth's in the diary or the Daily News, once it's out it will change everything. Let the chips fall where they may. Along with the husbands and boyfriends.  The French say, "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." Sounds romantic. But all it means is the more things change the more they stay the same. Outsiders remain on the outside. At least for now. And the wild cards just keep getting wilder. But even the same characters can start to play new power games. And old stars can cease to shine. What did I say about letting the chips fall where they may? See you soon -- N
Hogwarts in the Snow:
The Harry Potter studio tours get a festive makeover once more this Winter, with Christmas trees and a seasonal feast in the Great Hall, decorations in Gryffindor common room and snow drifts in Diagon Alley. The beautiful scale model of Hogwarts that was used for sweeping shots over the school will also be looking wintry, with snow and ice effects carefully applied by hand. Visitors will also be able to get up close with the different types of snow used during production. Remember to wrap up warm. Personalised knitted jumpers optional. 
 (© Joseph Conway)
Related imageBut, if you feel like relaxing this month then put your feet up and enjoy Harper's Bazaar magazine, full of celebrity gossip, style and secrets!! Hope you all enjoy my recommendations and have a great time in November...
See you in November, when I'll be sharing style secrets for Winter, places to go and things to do and buy and get you ready for this Christmas season.


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