September 2019 - Film

Welcome All!

In terms of new films this month, here are two recommendations that you may find entertaining in the cinema this month.

Films in September:

The premise of Hustlers is based on a 2015 article written by Jessica Pressler for The Cut. The piece, titled "The Hustlers at Scores," primarily follows the story of Roselyn Keo and Samantha Barbash in the late 2000s. Keo dropped out of school at 17 and soon became unsatisfied with the amount of money she was making as a diner waitress. She then decided to become a stripper and met Barbash, who took her under her wing. Barbash came up with a method to make more cash. She'd lure her wealthiest past clients with an invitation to the strip club. When they got there, Barbash would spike their drinks with a pinch of MDMA mixed with ketamine to boost their mood and muddle their memory. The Drug Enforcement Agency began to prosecute the women after one of their own anonymously confessed to what they were doing. The authorities caught up with Keo and Barbash in 2014, and began prosecuting them for forgery, conspiracy, grand larceny, and assault.

Image result for hustlers movie poster
Brad Pitt is an intergalactic Captain Willard, taking a fraught mission up-river in James Gray’s Ad Astra, an outer-space Apocalypse Now which played to rapt crowds at the Venice film festival. In place of steaming jungles, this gives us existential chills. Instead of Viet Cong soldiers, it provides man-eating baboons and pirates riding dune-buggies. It’s an extraordinary picture, steely and unbending and assembled with an unmistakable air of wild-eyed zealotry. Ad Astra, be warned, is going all the way - and it double-dares us to buckle up for the trip.
Image result for Ad Astra poster


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