5 Ways To Get Your Skin Ready For Autumn

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to skincare and, as the seasons begin to change, so do the needs and wants of your skin. After the long, hot summer that we’ve had, it is more than likely that your skin will have become accustomed to the warmer temperatures. However, with the cooler days fast approaching, you may begin to see some less than desirable changes to the way your skin looks.

Preparing your skin for the upcoming season doesn’t have to be a difficult task and, with a little bit of future planning, you’ll be ready for autumn in no time!

Restore collagen

Wrinkles are a part of ageing and, no matter how hard you try to avoid the subject, it is more than likely that you’ll be able to prevent them. As time goes by, collagen levels in your skin begin to deplete, causing fine lines to appear on the surface of your skin. Although this is one of the biggest signs of ageing, it can also happen prematurely from too much exposure to the sun.

In the body, collagen is the protein which is most prominent, with more being produced than any other protein. Coming from the Greek word ‘glue’, it really does hold the body together and can be found everywhere, from your skin and muscles to your bones. However, as you age, your collagen levels begin to drop, meaning that the plumpness you may have once had has now gone.

There’s a number of different products on the market that claim to be rich in collagen and offer miracle results. With bold claims to make your skin appear smoother, for lines to be reduced and your skin to look fuller, it can be overwhelming when it comes to deciding which product to go with.

Facials are great at strengthening your face, as well as stimulating collagen production. When applying your morning moisturiser, pay a little more attention to the movements your hands make, working in an upwards motion. Additionally, treat yourself to a spa break in Yorkshire, where you can have a relaxing facial done for you.

There’s a number of other ways in which you can replenish your supply. Topical creams, your diet and drinking water have all been proven to have a positive effect on this, as well as if you stop smoking!

Take vitamins

It should come as no surprise that you should religiously wear sun cream to prevent any damage from the sun’s harsh UV rays. However, just 15 minutes of exposure a day gives your skin a boost of vitamin D which can hugely benefit you. There are a number of vitamin supplements on the market that boast a variety of different rewards. Although typically marketed at your physical health, they can also give your skin a little bit of a boost, helping the overall appearance.

Vitamins can help reduce wrinkles, dryness and rough patches, whilst making your skin tone more even. There are four key vitamins that you should try to incorporate into your routine this autumn -vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K – and doing so doesn’t have to mean major alterations to your daily lifestyle. Adding in different food groups into your diet is an easy way to ensure that you are getting your daily recommended dosage of each vitamin. However, there will be supplements on the market also.

Lock moisture in

Someone applying moisturiser

Over the course of the summer, and with the steadily-rising temperature, you may have noticed that your skin began to look particularly oily. There are a number of reasons why this is, from your sebaceous glands going into overdrive, producing an increased level of sweat, to your body’s natural oils becoming less dense. However, as it becomes slightly colder outside, your skin begins to lose this shine and may start to look dull and a little lack-lustre.

In order to combat dryness and rejuvenate your skin, you’ll need to reconsider your current routine and the products that you use daily. Swap out any steps that aimed to prevent the production of oil and, instead, look for nourishing options which can boost the levels in your skin. Without this step, it is likely that your skin will attempt to over-produce the sebum that you’re missing. 

When autumn strikes, so too does cooler air and cooler air is drying to skin. It is important to moisturise skin daily as it is vital to help maintain a healthy skin barrier and to prevent dry skin - especially during cooler months. It is therefore important to moisturise daily with a non-comedogenic, lightweight, water-based moisturiser. This way skin won’t feel oily or uncomfortable when applied and you can rest assured you are supporting your skin’s health.”

Remove dead cells

Exfoliating is an important step of your skincare routine no matter what time of the year it is. However, when transitioning into autumn, paying careful attention to this can really make a difference to your skin. With your skin struggling from dehydration, it is possible that you’ll have accumulated a number of dead skin cells sitting on the surface. Finding an abrasive facial wash or scrub, it allows you to shed the old skin, encouraging the generation of healthier new cells.

Exfoliation isn’t strictly reserved for the face though. In fact, your body will benefit from a hydrating exfoliator, with the grains of the scrub shedding any stubborn skin. This will make the skin smoother, as well as minimise the appearance of pores. Stimulating the skin by rubbing it in a circular motion, you will also find that your moisturiser is more effective and that any additional products that you may use, such as a fake tan, apply with better results.


We’re all aware of the importance of wearing an SPF-based product such as sun cream during the summer months. However, this is equally as important throughout autumn as the sun’s rays can still damage your skin, causing premature ageing. One of the best ways to prepare your skin for autumn is by looking at your existing skincare products and looking for alternatives. Although SPF is just as important as the season’s change, you may want to look for cosmetics, such as a foundation, that already has it included. This way, it is a step in your routine that you’re unlikely to forget, but you’ll be consistently protected.  

Sun damage is accumulated over time, so every trip outside that you make without SPF adds up. What’s more is that even on overcast, chillier days, up to as much as 80% of the sun’s UV rays can come through, which can lead to wrinkles and sun spots, as well as increasing your chances of skin cancer.



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