The Golden Years - Top Tips For A Healthier & Longer Life

The Queen is one of a growing number of Brits living long and healthy lives. Parts of its genetics, but there are things you can do to boost your chances of staying happy and glorious in the decades to come. According to the United Nations, the average Briton can hope to live for 79.6 years; so the Queen  at 90 has exceeded all expectations. Still working tirelessly into her tenth decade, she remains healthy active, keeps an incredibly busy and demanding schedule and seems happier than ever. In addition to winning our admiration, theses factors could well a role in her longevity. Improvements in health, education and disease treatment and prevention have all played a major role in boosting life expectancy. However, certain lifestyle factors are also known contribute to longer life and not all of these are outside of your control. Here are factors that can help that determine how long you can live...

Replace Fizzy Drinks For Water:

Swap your daily fizzy drink for water, this will cut out seven teaspoons of sugar from your diet. If you did this every day for a year, you would save 10kgs of sugar, the weight of a small dog! This will lengthen your life, an overweight 30-year-old female can add six years to her lifespan by losing 5kg.

Cut The Fat:

Swapping your morning latte for a herbal tea – it could reduce your risk of cancer. By switching the drinks, you cut back over the year saving on average 39,000 calories, or 20 packets of lard. Not only will you lose weight, as excess weight contributes to one in five cancers, you could dramatically reduce the risk.

Control your Salt Intake:

Switch your sandwich for a low-salt option, to reduce your risk of a heart attack. For example, switch your ham sandwich for a chicken and avocado one, and you could reduce your lunchtime intake of salt by a third, and cut out 1.14kg of salt a year – the same amount of salt in 33 litres of sea water. This will significantly reduce your risk of heart disease

Make Small Journeys by Foot:

This will add years to your life. If you add just 30 minutes of walking into your daily routine, five days a week, you walk the equivalent of 14 marathons in one year. This can add three and a half years to your lifespan, no matter what your weight. Plus, fitness not only reduces your risk of cancer, it improves your chances of recovering from the disease.

Leg & Core Strength:

Lower-body strength results in good balance, flexibility and endurance. As you get older, those attributes are key to reducing your risk of falls, hip fractures and injuries that can lead to chronic ill health. Around a fifth of people who have hip fractures worldwide become frail and die of complications, so staying flexible, stable and strong is essential for a long life.

Keeping A Clean Home:

This is not about hygiene but about doing your own cleaning. An hour of vacuuming, mopping floors or washing windows burns about 285 calories, lowering the risk of death by 30% according to a study of adults in their 70s and 80s.

Staying Positive:

People with a positive outlook on life and who have a sense of purpose and community are healthier than adults who do not feel good about themselves. Studies of the world's longest living people - including the people of Okinawa in Japan and Ikaria in Greece found that they all shared an emphasis on the importance of family, friends and neighbour, which was viewed as of equal value to their work.



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