Decoding Your Headaches

Ever wondered why you get headaches, here's what could questions you should be asking yourself as well as what might be causing them and how to get rid of that pounding feeling...

Did You Get Enough Sleep?

Rest isn't just for beauty, your mind needs it too. So when your sleeping fewer than eight hours a night, your body produces biochemicals that crash around your brain's pathway. Therefore, aim to sleep at least eight hours a night in order to ease your mind and give your body the rest it needs.

Fast Fix - Cue up some soothing songs, as music triggers the release of dopamine, which is your body's natural pain killer. So, look for a 'Chill' playlist on Spotify.

Are You Hungry or Thirsty?

Sugar and water are brain food, and both are required for it to function well. So if your blood sugar is low, vessels in your brain begin to twitch. When your body lacks hydration, your brain tissue starts to shrink.

Fast Fix - Reach for a high carb food to get your blood sugar back on track. Try whole wheat, bread, nuts or bananas. And for a quick hit of hydration, grab a sports drink which has sodium and electrolytes. My personal favorite: Vitamin Water Defense

Is It Almost Time For Your Period:

PMS headaches can be the worst, they can start a week before, and this occurs when certain hormones in your body like estrogen. The sudden imbalance can bring on a wave of headaches.

Fast Fix - Apply a warm compress to the back of your neck. It won't magically make your hormone levels spike, but it does help increase blood flow to your head, which can bring some needed relief.

Are You Caffeine Obsessed?

If drinking coffee is on your daily to do list and you haven't had a coffee in 24 hours, you may be going through withdrawal. As your body tries to work buzz-free and correct the imbalance, you might feel off.

Fast Fix - Drink a cup of peppermint tea or suck on a piece of mint candy. Its thought that the flavour helps relax the nervous system until your body stops revolting against you caffeine free kick.

How Much Are You on Social Media?

Staring at a screen can cause eye strain which can lead to bad headaches, however by also sitting in one spot for too long or holding your neck in an awkward position can lead to muscle tension.

Fast Fix - Stretch it out! After gazing at your screen try interlacing your fingers behind your back, keep your arms straight and breathe in, as you exhale, bend at your waist, letting your hands go up in the air.
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