How To Stay Fit & Healthy in Winter

Between the cooler temperatures, the shorter days, and the number of consecutive holidays during the fall and winter months, some people rationalize the need for their own version of hibernation. Who doesn’t want to hunker down and cosy up with comfort food? Overeating and inactivity might be seen as the norm, but they do not have to be. It is possible to stay on track with your wellness goals year round with these simple exercise and eating tips for the winter season.
Stay on Schedule:
We have all been there. Perhaps you know dinner is going to be amazing, so you decide to eat light all day to save room for it. That is actually the worst thing you can do. Believe it or not, you should consider eating all day. While it might seem counter-intuitive to prevent overeating by eating more, that is actually how it works. When you restrict your food intake over several hours in order to make room for later, you are much more likely to binge when you do eat - about twelve times as likely. Rather than send your body into starvation mode and risk bingeing later, continue to eat normally throughout the day. If dinner is not until five, have breakfast and lunch as scheduled and perhaps a small snack. Even if your portions are smaller, maintain a schedule of eating a balance of nutrients every three to four hours to stabilize your metabolism.

Practice Mindful Eating:

Another tip for not overdoing it nutritionally is to eat slowly and mindfully. This means to take the time to actual smell and taste the food. Hold it in your mouth a few moments longer rather than swallowing it whole. I know everything looks so delicious that you want to cram it all in before it is gone, but try to slow down instead. Do you know it takes approximately twenty minutes for your body to tell you if you are full or not? Yet, most people do not wait for that signal. They just pile in seconds and thirds. Then once they realize they are full, they are actually overstuffed and feeling miserable. Avoid that food coma by pausing between plates to see if you really need more or if you can wait. Plus, the added benefit of mindful eating is actually enjoying what you are consuming. After all, if it has been slow cooking all day, why not savour every morsel instead of inhaling it?

Watch Your Portions:
But what do you do when the morsels are many and you want to try them all? Who wouldn’t want to eat a little of everything? The thing is that you can have it all, just not all at once. What I mean is mind your portions. A lot of times even when we try to taste a little of everything, we end up taking a full serving size of everything rather than a sample size. So, instead of eating that way, enjoy a full serving of half the spread and then when you fix your plate later in the day or the following day, try something else. The same principle applies to dessert. It is definitely a different way to eat during the winter season, but your body will thank you.
Make a Game of Movement:
Let’s say the region you live in gets too cold or too snowy for an outdoor workout. You can still move inside. Here is how. Instead of sitting out on the couch as you binge watch your favorite movies and TV programs, add a movement challenge into the mix. Take plank breaks and see how long you can hold a plank position. You can do the same with wall sits. Start by holding the pose for thirty seconds, then forty-five, then sixty seconds. Go even longer if you can. Just engage your body instead of remaining sedentary for hours on end. You can also create a simple circuit. Pick your favorite exercises and do one set of them every fifteen minutes. Do ten pushups. Then fifteen minutes later add triceps' tips. Then maybe add some squats. Again, what you do does not matter as much as the movement itself. The point is just to move. And, of course, it is even better if you recruit the family to join in on the fun.

Remember to Focus on Yourself:
There you have it. It is not only possible to prioritize your health and wellness during the winter months. You now have your very own how-to guide. The first part is to focus on nutrition. Try not to worry too much about the decadent treats you are enjoying. Just keep a regular eating schedule, eat mindfully, and consume in moderation by watching your portions. The second part is to focus on movement. Do not just think you can hibernate for the winter. Keep movement as a regular part of your schedule. Remember that wellness goals do not get a vacation. There is no such thing as a break from self-care. Have a warm, safe winter!


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