61st Post - May 2019

Well hello In the Know readers!! I hope you all had a productive time in April and hopefully enjoyed my recommendations. But, May has arrived and this means temperatures are increasing, holidays are being booked and also its time for me to write about more things to do this month to keep everyone 'In the Know' and most importantly have a fun-packed time in May.

I think that one thing that happens to every single one of us is that we go online, and we have the ability to scroll through everyone else life’s highlights, like – and trust me, I love going online, I think it’s amazing – but there is also the darker side to it, where we go online and we compare our lives to other people’s lives. And the mistake that we are making is that when we scroll through the pictures that other people post online of their lives, you see the highlight reel of the most excellent, shiny, fabulous moments of their lives. But when you look in the mirror at yourself, you are seeing all the behind the scenes, all the stuff that no one else sees, and you are hearing your own insecurities, you are hearing the voices inside your head telling you that you might not be good enough, you might not be as cool as other people, or what if you are not having as much fun as other people, or what if you are not special enough. It’s just endless. I think that people can be really mean, and I learned that, you learned that. But I think that time made me realize that sometimes we are so much, so much more mean to ourselves, than other people could ever be, in our heads.

Instead of looking in the mirror every single morning and letting the insecurities in your brain tell you that you are not cool enough, not pretty enough, not special, not going where you want to go, not there yet, not fun, whatever. I want you to realize that all of that is completely invisible to other people and it is irrelevant to you. Those are your fears talking. Here is what you actually are not. You are not somebody else’s opinion of you. You are not damaged goods if you have made mistakes. You are not going nowhere just because you haven’t gotten where you want to go yet. Those are the things you are actually not. Let me tell you what you are. You are your own definition of beautiful and worthwhile. You are wiser, stronger, smarter, better because you made mistakes, not damaged. That is what you are. So, I’m still learning new things every day, but the one thing I have learned is that making mistakes, or having scars, or having ghosts – those things do not make you damaged. Those things make you clean.

Image result for clean taylor swift lyrics


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