6 Ways to Pamper Your Feet This Summer

After months of being shoved in ill-fitting shoes, neglected, and covered up by socks and hose, it's time for your feet to shine. Show them some love with these star treatments.

1. Problem: Rough heels

 The main issues with flaunting flat, open (albeit stylish) summer sandals are their lack of support and cushion. The result? Hardened heels caked with layers of dead skin. To soften, zero in on the area with a heavy-duty moisturizer formulated with vitamins A and E, and urea. Combined, the omnipotent trio can penetrate the skin's barrier and moisturize effectively. For baby-smooth feet, try Peter Thomas Roth Ultimate Crème in a Tube.
2. Problem: Cracks and fissures

 When rough heels are left untreated, the skin will harden, grow thicker and eventually crack. You'll immediately notice pain and some bleeding. Your first instinct might be to reach for a pumice stone or filer - don't! as those devices easily house bacteria, and if you have cracks, they can cause infections. Instead, swap your pumice stone for a pumice cream, like Avon Foot Works Healthy Pumice Cream which is less abrasive. Apply daily during your shower to help slough off dead skin cells, soothe inflammation, and moisturize.
3. Problem: Calluses

 Calluses are a year-round problem that are much more prevalent in summer, especially given the surge in super-flat shoe wear. Calluses are typically formed at the soles as a byproduct of friction and pressure. If you have a bone that protrudes a little more than the rest, the skin thickens to protect the bone, forming calluses. To treat calluses, keep them trimmed; see a professional to prevent nicking yourself and eliciting a serious injury. Lastly, wear supportive shoes or slip an orthotic into the lining to help offload the pressure.
4. Problem: Blisters

 Blisters can develop from serious sunburns, or more likely from shoe pains (read: too-tight sandals or digging straps). To pop or not to pop? The best-case scenario is to let the blister heal on its own: Just dab antibiotic cream and cover with a Band-Aid. But if you can't resist, pop it with a sterilized safety pin (heat the end) and drain the fluid. Do not remove the excess skin — it acts as a barrier to protect the fresh skin from infection. Dab antibiotic cream and cover it up. Prevent blisters by stretching out sandals. Wear them with socks and walk around indoors to loosen them up. Or use foot balm to protect your skin from chaffing.
5. Problem: Sunburn

 When it comes to sunscreen application, the tops of the feet are one of the most commonly missed areas. It's crucial to apply a good sunscreen with SPF 30 all over feet and toes. As for the soles, sunburns are rare since the skin is much thicker and denser, but they can still succumb to burns, thanks to hot sand and seashells; wear protective footwear when you comb the beach. Treat sunburn immediately with aloe vera and apply two or three times a day after.
6. Problem: Sweat

 If your feet are slipping and sliding in your sandals, sprinkle talc powder, or even good old-fashioned Johnson's baby powder once or twice a day to wick away sweat. Sock-and-shoe wearers should avoid nylon and cotton socks, which tend to lock in moisture, keeping feet wet. Look for socks labelled as "moisture-absorbing" or "moisture-wicking" to keep perspiration at bay. But if nothing works see a doctor for prescription-strength antiperspirant, such as Drysol.



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