Beauty Water Infusion Recipes

It's the oldest beauty trick in the book, the one simple thing celebrities profess is the key to their ever-youthful skin: a big glass of water. Yes, we all know that drinking more water will boost our health and enhance our skin but lots of people find the idea of knocking back two litres of water a day really rather tedious. Can't fathom glugging that much H20? We have just the solution. Homemade infused waters are sweeping social media right now, with beauty buffs praising their skin-boosting benefits. As the name suggests, people have been infusing their water with a plethora of deliciously fresh ingredients, including blueberries, apples and kiwis. If you want to jump on the vitamin water bandwagon and boost your hydration levels, your skin and your Instagram feed with some killer content, we've rounded up the best recipes to make you feel thirsty.

Blueberries for glowy skin

The dark pigment in blueberries is a result of a high carotenoid content, which can activate a form of Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A stimulates the renewal of skin cells for a softer, smoother and more glowing appearance.

Cucumbers for acne

There's nothing better than sitting back and relaxing with cucumbers over your eyes on pamper night but the juicy green vegetable can work harder in your wellbeing regime. Cucumber is rich in vitamin E, which helps to fight against the free radicals that cause acne and scars.

Apples for sun protection

An apple a day keeps the sun burn away! The high vitamin C level in apples encourages the skin to produce melanin, the pigment responsible for colour in your skin. This helps to protect your skin from UV rays.

Raspberries for wrinkles

They're sweet, juicy and packed with essential fatty acids. In fact, a cup of raspberries provides 155mg of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce wrinkles by plumping up the fat cells in your skin.

Oranges and lemons for sun damage

These citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which aids in healing dry, chapped and sun-damaged skin, as well as boosting the production of collagen to help maintain elasticity and tone.

Kiwis for… everything

Kiwis are a handy all-rounder. They are a great source of antioxidants, including vitamin C & E, and also contain zinc, which helps keep hairnails, teeth AND skin healthy. Time to stock up!


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