77th Post - September Overview

Finally, here are my recommendations for September, hope you enjoy them and find them interesting to watch, listen and eat. In the meantime, September has a lot to offer especially in London, so head this month and take in all the best new events, exhibitions and best events in the capital

This time 2 years ago, I would have definitely described that time as 'happiness at its peak' everything just fell into place. Looking back now, it was the happiest I was going to be for a long time. However, since then life has seemed to me just to keep spiraling in the opposite direction I was going in. I keep dwelling on the past as I wish I could go back to those happier times. This year has definitely been testing and trying; both mentally and physically. Everything is out of our control we are paused however, time keeps moving. For me, it is the most frustrating feeling. The not-knowing, the anxiety, the worry it never ends. I know nothing lasts forever, and things will get better but over the past 6 months uncertainty and doubt have plagued my mind. Life is hard; however, big or small your problems are; they're still valid even if people say otherwise. Being positive is something I have had to work hard at and to be honest not the best at. I hope, as we enter a new season and the last part of this difficult year, I hope I can find the strength to look at the positives and whatever is thrown my way I act with grace and strength.

Taylor Swift Quote: “I think it's important that you know that I will never  change. But I'll never stay the same either.” (7 wallpapers) - Quotefancy


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