October 2020 - Food

The association with Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway is perhaps a little misplaced for The Bloomsbury’s Dalloway Terrace, despite the obvious literary connection. In the novel, the rather dull woman plans a party for that evening, which drags out over an entire novel. But the terrace is a mesmerising space that epitomises the current Danish trend of Hygge – where comfort, relaxation and warmth are at its core.

Inside, it’s more like stepping into the depths of Narnia than just off Great Russell Street. The narrow terrace, which has been winter-proofed, with a clear covering, encapsulating the terrace from the elements and complete with heaters.

The candle lit room has been decorated with snow-dusted white and wintery foliage that climbs the walls and hangs from the ceiling, with small lights entwined among huge pinecones.

As part of The Bloomsbury hotel, expect a high level of service and plenty of British favourites on the all day dining menu, from fish and chips to rabbit stew, with other influences including European from steak tartar and hints of Japanese in the miso cod. Each day has an assigned daily special dishes from crayfish mac and cheese to grilled poussin.

The East Sussex game pie





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