Benefits of Peppermint Tea

People have been infusing and drinking many different types of plants for centuries. Several herbal teas are commonly used in traditional medicine around the globe to help ease, nausea, indigestion, constipation, headaches and to aid restful sleep.

Both peppermint and spearmint are types of mint that are native to both Europe and Asia, which have long been valued for their special medicinal properties and cooling effects.

It has been known for generations that drinking mint tea benefits your digestion and one of the most popular remedies for an upset stomach is to sip on a freshly brewed cup of peppermint tea.

Let's take a closer look at 9 mint tea benefits and why you should always have some in your kitchen cupboard:

1. Soothing indigestion

One of the most widely known benefits of peppermint tea is for easing stomach issues. Peppermint leaves contain compound essential oils including menthol, menthone and limonene which can help to calm your upset stomach and aid digestion.

Peppermint or spearmint leaves can be combined with other beneficial herbs and extracts, such as ginger, marshmallow root and camomile, to make herbal tea infusions that can deliver a wide variety of digestive benefits, such as easing constipation.

2. Easing IBS symptoms

Doctors will often prescribe peppermint oil capsules as a natural remedy to help patients seeking medical advice for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Therefore drinking peppermint tea could help to ease IBS symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating and flatulence.

3. Caffeine free

Mint tea is a naturally caffeine free herbal tea. While most people drink mint tea infusions because they love the refreshing taste, many find it a great alternative to drinking caffeinated hot drinks such as coffee and black tea and even green tea, which also contains some caffeine. Avoiding caffeine, particularly in the afternoon and evening can help with sleep problems as well as with anxiety and palpitations.

The lack of caffeine also means you are less likely to have another energy dip when the caffeine starts wearing off.

4. Sugar free

For those wanting to reduce their sugar intake, or who are cutting out sugar for health reasons, drinking mint tea with its slight natural sweetness and uplifting aroma, is a great hydrating alternative to drinking sugar-laden colas, fruit juice and soft drinks.  

If you find yourself flagging mid-afternoon, instead of reaching for a sugary soft drink, try drinking a calorie free cup of mint tea instead. Your blood-sugar levels will be more stable and you will be avoiding the dreaded energy crash that comes after a spike in your insulin.

5. Natural antibacterial

Peppermint oil contains compounds which are said to have antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, all helpful to aid the immune system.

Mint might also help to fight infections of the upper respiratory tract and help relieve a stuffy nose. If you catch a cold or suffer from sinusitis, then drinking a hot cup of peppermint tea and inhaling the menthol vapours can help to reduce nasal congestion.

6. Allergy relief

An interesting compound found in peppermint is rosmarinic acid, which is found in rosemary and some of the mint family. Rosmarinic acid acts to reduce symptoms of allergic reactions including sneezing, itching and runny nose found with seasonal allergies such as hay fever.

7. Bad breath

Peppermint is also a common ingredient in toothpaste, breath mints and chewing gum, all of which are typical grocery store options to fight bad breath. However, mint tea is a brilliant and entirely natural way to wash away the bacteria in the mouth which can cause bad breath.

8. A natural painkiller?

It is thought that the aroma of a hot cup of peppermint tea acts positively on our olfactory system. There could be many applications of this including helping with tension headaches as the natural menthol oil vapours released from the leaves can help relax tense cranial muscles and relieve pain.

Similarly, the soothing compounds found in mint leaves might also help reduce the severity of dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramping). So before you reach for the painkillers, maybe try some mint tea first.

9. A natural boost

The refreshing and stimulating effect of drinking mint tea is also believed to help to boost mental alertness and concentration. The scent of peppermint tea stimulates the limbic system, making you more alert – a perfectly delicious way to boost your focus and ace your test.


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