113th Post - September 2023

Well hello 'In the Know' readers!! It's been a while but I hope you all had a great time in August wherever you were and enjoyed my recommendations. But, September has arrived and this means making sure you have the latest trends for this Fall and also making sure you are ready for school or college whilst knowing what beauty products you should look out for this Autumn.

In literature, there are thousands of endings. Some happy, some sad. Some end with a twist. Some stories open the door for something more. And then there are fairy-tale endings where the girl gets her prince. And endings that turn you introspective about your own life and your place in the world. And then there’s the ending that you saw coming a mile away, and yet somehow still takes you by surprise. But don’t worry, this story isn’t ending. We’re just at the start of a brand new chapter - N


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