15th Post - July 2015

Hello All!! I hope you all had fun in June and enjoyed my recommendations. However, July has arrived and this means its time for me to write about more things to do this month to keep everyone 'In the Know' and get ready for your Summer abroad... But, July has arrived and this means school's nearly finished, holiday tickets are being booked and most importantly have a fun-packed time in July.

Transitions in life are usually marked by major events. Birthdays, graduations, weddings. But the greater transitions often come out of smaller moments. When we stop and look at where we are. Because each time we see how far we've come, we also see how far we still have to go. In order to fully transform, we might need to free ourselves of everything we've been holding on to. To send us on our new path. The right one. But if, at the end, you find the person you've become is not the person you want to be, you can always turn around and try again. And maybe the next time, you won't be so alone when it's over. Too late to turn back now.


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