Time For Tea (Tox)

Don't underestimate the power of herbal tea. These wholesome cuppas pack a very healthy punch... What's not to love about a cup of tea? Furthermore, what's not to love about a brew that can have massive impact on your health? From valerian to chamomile, lemon to lavender, steeping herbs in hot water can make a big difference to your physical and mental wellbeing. Herbal teas can deliver serious health benefits, boosting immunity, reducing anxiety and improving digestion. Even the tea making ritual itself is beneficial. It slows you down, creating a moment of calm. But most people know what you're thinking; that herbal tea tastes like hay or stale pot pourri but not anymore as the demand for herbal teas has grown massively. As a result of this, tea companies have upped their game, producing potent herbal infusions that tastes great. Opt for whole leaf and flower teas because when herbs and flowers are chopped and manhandled they lose their natural flavour. So, swap your mug of builder's for one of these healthy brews and sip your way to glowing skin, a flatter tum and a better night's sleep...

To Boost Energy - Yerba Mate

This nutrient packed shrub has been used by South American tribes for centuries for its ability to energise and improve focus. Perfect if you're trying to give up your caffeine fix. So try - Tea pigs Yerba Mate £3.99

To Increase Metabolism - Matcha Green Tea

Because Matcha is grown in the shade, it contains much higher levels of nutrients than regular green tea - including and antioxidant called EGCG, believed to boost metabolism. So try Eat Clean Tea Pure Matcha Green Tea £18.85

To Beat Stress - Liquorice

Liquorice root contains plant hormones that support your adrenal glands to help you avoid burnout. So try Kusmi Be Cool Tea £14.90

To Improve Immunity - Astragalus Root & Echinacea

These boost white blood cells, increasing your resistance to infections - a winning combo for swerving the common cold. Try - Neal's Yard Remedies Organic inner Strength Tea £2.99

To Aid Sleep - Valerian

Valerian root and hops have a proven sedative effect - ideal when you're having trouble heading to sleep. Try - Dr Stuart's Valerian Plus £2.29

To Beat Bloating - Fennel

Fennel seeds contain oils that boost your digestive enzymes and aid digestion. Try Pukka Three Fennel Tea £2.39


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