36th Post - April 2017

I can't believe its been 3 years since my first post!! I hope you all had fun in March and enjoyed my recommendations. However, April has arrived and this means its time for me to write about more things to do this month to keep everyone 'In the Know' and most importantly have a good time this month. I will post my recommendations on what the latest trends, films and tunes are, also, I will post what you can do in London whether on a high or low budget, so there will be something for everyone which can help you make an easier decision when picking a film for a date or the perfect place to go out with friends...

This year has started off with a bang...both and good and bad, but my new 'mirror message' is definitely the word "Embrace." To me, this word Embrace means dealing with what is front of you, I believe everything we go through happens for a reason maybe for the best or maybe for the worst. In terms of the worst, we must learn to embrace or else it can swallow us up as a whole. Its hope that keeps me going personally. So, this month if you feel like life is swallowing you up in terms of relationships, work, health or any other problems you may face just step back and embrace what you are grateful for, this may be your friends, family, a partner or something really small like a good book or for me personally I am grateful for music; it lifts me up and gives me hope to get up and see the good things in my life for example this blog, I am grateful I have a place to write; whether it be to one person reading this or few hundred. I am grateful. Always... -- N

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