Sea Here

Seaweed might be something you avoid like the plague when you're frolicking down the beach in the Summer, but the grim looking algae happens to be packed full of your skin's every need. With the ability to thrive and withstand everything from UV radiation to heat and cold, it's no surprise algae extract is every complexion's dream ingredient. See below the perfect ocean inspired must haves...

Bumble & Bumble Seaweed Shampoo £19 & Conditioner £21

Look at this like a protein shake for your hair, By using this, your hair will literally drink in fatty acids, minerals an vitamins found in seaweed, so get lathering!!

Image result for Bumble & Bumble Seaweed Shampoo £19 & Conditioner £21

The Body Shop Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner £7.50

If you're like me and you're wrestling with combination skin, pop a dose of this very purse friendly formula on after cleansing and before moisturising. Its refreshing and purifying.

Image result for The Body Shop Seaweed Oil-Balancing Toner £7.50

Thalgo Foaming Micellar Cleansing Lotion £25

This one's great for all skin types and when it comes to marine extracts, Thalgo always gets in right, this lotion will help clear nasty impurities in a heartbeat.
Image result for Thalgo Foaming Micellar Cleansing Lotion £25

Ren Atlantic Kelp & Microalgae Anti Fatigue Bath Oil £26

Helping to fight fatigue, stress and pollution with ingredients sustainably farmed.

Image result for Ren Atlantic Kelp & Microalgae Anti Fatigue Bath Oil

Crème De La Mer Moisturising Cream £110

There's a reason the A-List are still evangelical about this, which contains nutrient-rich algae. Its worth every penny of its steep price, the results mean happy, thirst quenched complexions all round.

Image result for creme de la mer


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