The Travel Bug

Could probiotics keep you healthy on holiday - and fighting fit before you head off? Here's what I found out...

Travellers' tummy is the most common heath problem on overseas holidays: most of us will have experienced it. Travel influences your gut in many ways can exuberate IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)  range of symptoms that as many as one in three of suffer from. You know the symptoms abdominal discomfort, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea - all things that can affect those symptoms - stress, a change of diet, hydration, lack of sleep are like a perfect storm when we travel particularly long haul. You have the time change, air pressure changes, jet lag, new food and drink; everything is heading towards a flare up of IBS.

Here are some probiotics that are leading the way in gut treatment.

1. Food Science Mega Probiotic ND £19 from A non-dairy, acid-resistant probiotic that also contains prebiotics to encourage gut bacteria.

Image result for Food Science Mega Probiotic ND

2. OptiBac Live Cultures For Travelling Abroad £10.49 for 20 capsules

Image result for OptiBac Live Cultures For Travelling Abroad

3. Alflorex £24.95- The probiotic capsule recommend by doctors.

Image result for Alflorex £24.95

4. Symprove £21.95 - Thoroughly researched to ease IBS symptoms; proven to reach the gut alive in a study carried out at University College of London

Image result for Symprove £21.95


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