Jeans For You

For me, Jeans are a struggle. Period. Whether you’ve got a big butt, flat butt, wide hips or barely any hips at all, all women face challenges when shopping for denim. But no matter your size or shape, everyone wants to feel confident in their jeans. For some god awful reason, we only see one specific body type represented in ads, commercials and online. But news flash, there are countless women who don’t look that, including me.

So Here's My Guide on How To Find the Best Jeans For your Body Type:

Long Torsos:
Women with long torsos aren’t necessarily tall; they just have a longer midsection, which makes finding a proper pair of denim that sits comfortably on their hips can be hard to come by. In this case, look for super high-rise styles or those with a longer inseam.

For taller women, finding a jean that doesn’t leave you with an awkward foot-to-ankle gap isn’t easy without a trip to a specialty shop. So I would suggest looking for jeans that come in extra long styles as well as cropped styles that are shorter on purpose

Short Torsos:
As a woman with a smaller midsection, it’s important to find hip-hugging styles or those that sit lower on your waist to give you the appearance of a longer midsection.

When it comes to jeans, your biggest problem is probably length, but if you’re ultra-petite you may struggle with waist sizing, too. Look for cropped cuts in dark washes that will elongate your legs.

Round Tummy:
If your midsection is your biggest concern, choose a high-rise, stretch denim, or boot-cut style that covers and smoothes at the same time. 

Big Hips:

As much as we envy your Shakira-like hips finding denim to fit is no easy feat. Make sure to stay away from low-rise skinny styles that will cut up your frame, and instead turn to high-rise cropped styles with ample amounts of stretch

 Large Thighs:

Women with big thighs, including myself can find jeans uncomfortable as there seems to be a disparity between your thighs and waist, what you often end up with is a pair of jeans you can shimmy up your legs only to end up with a huge gap when you go to zip-and-snap. Your go-to styles should be wide-leg flares and those made with a super-stretch denim.

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