September 2017 - Music

Album of the Month - Begin Again Soundtrack

The movie may have come out two years ago, but weirdly enough I just discovered this film and it soundtrack this month. For a film that glorifies music as an art form, Begin Again surely delivers a soundtrack that fulfils the film’s premise. The hotly anticipated feature, set to be released this month, includes a star-studded cast with the likes of Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightley, Hailee Steinfeld and Adam Levine, in his acting debut. The soundtrack features many of the actors showcasing their musical capabilities, with a majority of the 16-track album performed by Levine, Knightley, Cee Lo Green and Cessyl Orchestra.

What’s fantastic about this soundtrack is that it uses live instruments; there’s barely any manufactured studio beats, which are heard so often in pop music nowadays. The album’s lead single Lost Stars, performed by Levine, is a great example of this. Levine’s vocal technique is on point here: his falsetto is executed perfectly and gives the track that extra special something. What’s beautiful and chilling about this track is that it communicates the message of the film: who are we, really? Or as Levine puts it, “just a speck of dust within the galaxy”? Levine’s vocal talent also shines through in No One Else Like You and A Higher Place, both groovy tracks that are reminiscent of Maroon 5’s earlier hits. 

Overall, it’s a great soundtrack that depicts the mood and premise of the film completely. Most of the songs on the album are easy listening, chiller tracks. The input of Cessyl Orchestra is a welcome change, as they bring a fuse of alternative rock with their electric guitar solos and dreamy harmonies. The soundtrack shows variety without straying too far from the heart of the films’ message. Each song is performed with soul, proving that music isn’t just about feeding a market; but really, it’s an art form that can truly express one’s emotions. My rating 9/10.

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