How To Stay Energised Throughout The Day

For most of us, feeling fatigued, groggy and a bit sniffle-y, no matter what time of the year it is, has become a way of life. Overwhelmed with stress and responsibilities, we listlessly soldier on, fighting brain fog and exhaustion with caffeine and spoonful's of sugar to prop ourselves up just long enough to make it through the day. Then, when it’s time for lights-out, we’re too fuelled to sleep. Small wonder so many of us are physically, emotionally and mentally spent! The good news is that you don’t have to live like this. Simply by living a little smarter and making a few health-supporting choices every day, you can banish fatigue from your life and live the way you were born to - with vibrancy and energy!

Here are 9 health-enhancing ways to fight fatigue and win, morning, noon and night:


1. Greet the day with a few gentle stretches. 

This will get the blood pumping, easing your body into the day. Still tense and achy from yesterday? Then try my 2-step release and stretch moves first thing in the morning to bust tension, open blocked energy pathways, reduce pain and energize you for the day. These simple moves will stretch your shoulders, legs and back, as you stimulate muscle tissue and blood flow throughout the body, waking it and energizing it without artificial stimulants.

2. Boost body and brain with the perfect breakfast.

In the morning, protein and fat are essential for energy, and a large, healthy breakfast of the right foods is exactly what your body needs. And what is the perfect breakfast? The morning smoothie, because it’s quick to prepare, easily digested, and can be packed with the healthy fats, proteins, nutrients and phytonutrients you need to fuel your day. My favorite ingredient for boosting energy naturally is whey protein. These two smoothies, the Green Mojito and the Blueberry Avocado are creamy, satisfying and delicious.
3. Got Greens?
When you’re fatigued, what you’re eating makes a massive difference in how quickly your body will recover its strength. To super-charge your diet and energy reserves, you can’t beat green drinks. Why? Because they deliver nourishing, high-octane, drinkable doses of phytonutrients, antioxidants and digestive enzymes to every system in the body, quickly, easily and efficiently. The effects? Nothing short of wonderful: Concentrated green powdered drinks boost immunity, aid digestion, sustain energy, promote mental clarity and enhance overall well-being. Add powdered greens to smoothies or just add water and swig ‘em on the way to work – you’ll arrive energized, alert and naturally powered-up, instead of amped and jittery from caffeine.


4. Believe it or not, now is an excellent time to Slow It Down

Combat the mayhem around you and re-energize naturally by tuning in to some relaxing music for a few minutes. Giving yourself a musical time-out will help calm your body and brain with gentle, soothing rhythms that will slow down your heart rate and breathing to healthier levels. The result? A feeling of well being in just minutes, plus a clearer mind and calmer body. My go-to, slow-it-down favorite tunes include anything by reggae genius Bob Marley or brain wave music master, Jonathan Goldman. No time or space for music, try some breathing exercises.

5. Have a good-size lunch.

Just make sure it’s a healthy lunch – and remember, skipping the meal or eating like a bird at 1pm will not adequately fuel you through the afternoon’s labours, so lunch large! The perfect, nourishing lunch will include wholesome, unprocessed ingredients, comprising protein, good fats and vegetables to help you maintain alertness. Another reason to lunch large? Because lunchtime is when your digestion peaks – and your body is burning calories most efficiently.  And if you like a mid morning or mid afternoon snack, here are some healthy choices.
6. Connect with your co-workers. And the deli guy. And the dry cleaner.

In other words, practice “Ubuntu.” Ubuntu is an African term that means what makes us human is the humanity we show each other. It’s a worldview that sees humanity as a web of family rather than a mass of individuals. When you start to relate to those around you in this way, you’ll feel more connected, energized and and you’ll have a sense of abundance. Another bonus? It will add a pleasant sense of community to even the simplest interactions. My advice? Get up from your office chair every now and then to reconnect with your officemates in person instead of via e-mail.


7. Power down your body

Restorative yoga is my favorite night-time cure for the high-stress day. As you’ll be supported in these poses, for instance, by a chair or a wall, you’ll enjoy the healing and calming effects of yoga without having to exert any energy. Better yet, restorative yoga poses are a particularly effective way to relax and power down your body before bed. Another simple power-down pose: Legs up the Wall which feels good after a day on your feet. Lie on your back with your legs perpendicular against the wall, close your eyes and breathe for five-to-ten minutes.

8. Power down your home

Create an electronic sundown to prepare your body and mind for sleep. At around 10 pm, turn off your computer, charge your cell in another room and turn off the TV. Scan your bedroom for blinking or glowing lights – the alarm clock, the charging indicator on your cell phone, the DVD clock and timer, etc. Turn these off or cover the lights. Every little bit of light can stop your melatonin levels from rising, which you need to fall sleep and to reach the deep restorative sleep your body requires. If you can’t darken your room all the way, wear a sleep mask or add blackout curtains to help darken the room.
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