56th Post - December Overview

The laws of physics dictate that what goes up, must come down. Even when it feels as if our feet are a million miles off the ground. But when we've hit rock bottom we hope that some way, some how, our fortunes will change. That a great force will reverse the trend. The world  is filled with high rollers. Some people choose to bet on themselves. While others are happy to bet on someone else. But luck is a funny thing. It's easy to accept it when it goes your way, but when it doesn't... Call it injustice, call it treachery. But remember, the most important rule in gambling is that the house always wins.

Camus said that life is the sum of our choices. Choose wisely and fortune smiles upon you. But choose poorly? You never know what price you'll have to pay. We all like to think that we're in the driver's seat of our own lives. But the truth is, the idea that we can control our fate is an illusion. You can choose the most loyal friends, the dream job, the truest love. But at the end of the day, our fate is decided for us. All we can do is hope we have the strength to cope with the hand she deals us... -- N

Image result for christmas in london
Winter at Southbank Centre:
One of the most spectacular winter events in London takes place at Southbank Centre. The Thames-side arts venue transforms into a festive wonderland with a brilliant Christmas market packed with festive treats and gifts, alongside enchanting Christmas performances. have a look at our picks below and make sure you don't miss one of the magical seasonal events in London.

What is Winter at Southbank Centre 2018?

This year's Christmas celebrations at Southbank boast yuletide markets, dazzling lights, sensational family, and a large helping of festive entertainment. 2018's standout shows include a charming retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, as well as Circus 1903 - a show featuring brilliant life-sized animal puppetry, alongside trapeze artists, acrobats, contortionists and more. You name it, the show's got it. You also don't want to miss comedy cabaret trio Glittery Clittery who will be serving up feminist and festive song, dance and sequins, or the day-long celebration of London's drag scene. Take little ones to Caribbean Christmas for traditional performances, storytelling and a party, or head to the Snow Ball in your finest fancy dress to strut your stuff down the People's Catwalk. Bring along your dancing shoes so you can show off your stuff in the Strictly Winter Ballroom, or consider what home means to different people during this season with Streetwise Opera & Kinetika.
Image result for december 2018 magazine coversBut, if you feel like relaxing this month by the fire then put your feet up and enjoy Glamour magazine, full of celebrity gossip, style and secrets!! Hope you all enjoy my recommendations and have a great Christmas and a great time in December...
See you in the new year, when I'll be sharing January style secrets, and tips for looking and feeling great as well as places to go and things to do to get you 'in the know' for 2019!  


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