92nd Post - December Overview

Finally, here are my recommendations for December, hope you enjoy them and find them interesting to watch, listen and eat.

The laws of physics dictate that what goes up, must come down. Even when it feels as if our feet are a million miles off the ground. But when we've hit rock bottom we hope that some way, some how, our fortunes will change. That a great force will reverse the trend. The world  is filled with high rollers. Some people choose to bet on themselves. While others are happy to bet on someone else. But luck is a funny thing. It's easy to accept it when it goes your way, but when it doesn't... Call it injustice, call it treachery. But remember, the most important rule in gambling is that the house always wins.

Annual Royal Observatory Christmas Lecture

If you’ve ever wondered what goes on beyond our solar system, head to the Royal Observatory for its annual Christmas lecture. University of Bristol astrophysicist Dr Hannah Wakeford will be revealing the latest research in the study of exoplanets: planets that orbit stars other than the sun. You’ll find out what the atmosphere of these planets is like and whether they support any life forms. The lecture will be held in the observatory’s planetarium, so you’ll be able to gaze upwards and imagine you’re out of this world.

But, if you feel like relaxing this month by the fire then put your feet up and enjoy Vanity Fair magazine, full of celebrity gossip, style and secrets!! Hope you all enjoy my recommendations and have a great Christmas and a great time in December...

See you in the new year, when I'll be sharing January style secrets, and tips for looking and feeling great as well as places to go and things to do to get you 'in the know' for 2022! 


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