Calming Bath Salts

What are bath salts?

Bath salts are most commonly made out of magnesium sulphate (otherwise known as Epsom salt) or sea salt. The beauty of them is that once thrown in warm bath water, they are easily dissolved and they are believed to carry many health benefits: both physical and psychological.

What are the benefits of bath salts?

Ok, so why exactly do we need them? Well, a lot of us use bath salts to enhance our bath experience and to make it as relaxing and comforting as humanly possible, the health benefits are a very welcomed bonus. The most popular uses are to soothe muscle pain and stiffness, which a lot of people working from home have been suffering from, especially for those who don’t have good office chairs in their WFH arrangement. They are also useful to soothe aching joints including mouse fingers (the ache you can feel after hours of having your fingers wrapped around a computer mouse) as well as more severe aches like arthritis.

Mixing the bath salts on a warm bath may also help with settling dry and itchy skin and calm more harsh skin conditions such as eczema. Bath salts not only seem to alleviate posture issues but are also known to tackle things like that dreadful postpartum discomfort on the body.

Amongst those, you will find that bath salts have the power to mildly alleviate circulation problems and headaches too. As far as psychological health benefits, many people claim to use bath salts to subdue their anxiety and stress, as it makes bathing a very relaxing and calming experience.

Best bath salts for anxiety

This Works Deep Sleep Bath Soak, £22, Space NK

This sleep inducing bath salt is a real bedtime treat, and ideal to soak up any anxiety and restlessness left over from your day. This aromatic blend of lavender, vetiver and chamomile, should be used a couple of hours before bedtime for optimum tranquility and effectiveness and it’s also suitable for use during pregnancy.

Best bath salts for detox

Herbivore Botanicals Calm Salts, £16, Space NK

This calming and body detoxifying salt blend is infused with himalayan pink salts, and healthy minerals that aid the removal of toxins and impurities straight out of your body. It’s floral aroma from the essential oils like ylang ylang also help to calm nerves, soothe and de-stress.

Best bath salts for glowing skin

Susanne Kaufmann Alkali Salt, £35, Space NK

These powdered crystals offer relief from itchiness, inflammation and redness, as well as helping ease muscle tension. The cleansing alkali salt is formulated with essential nutrients and ingredients that support the skin’s own acid mantle, to safeguard against infection and ultimately nourish and refresh dry, flaky skin.


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