February 2022 - Music

Album of the Month - Give Me The Future by Bastille

From 2013’s massive breakout single ‘Pompeii’ to 2019’s apocalyptic rave record ‘Doom Days’, Bastille have always found optimism in end times. 2016’s ‘Wild World’ was a barbed attack on political corruption and fake news while a string of mixtapes, collaborative singles and their string-led ReOrchestrated live shows saw the four-piece champion community. All those hopeful threads come together on ‘Give Me The Future’, a sleek pop record that explores millennial anxiety in a world of rapidly evolving tech.

The record tackles everything from loss (‘No Bad Days’) and online dating (‘Stay Awake’) to living life on your own terms (‘Thelma + Louise’) and the self-empowerment that comes with losing yourself in a virtual world (‘Distorted Light Beam’). Rather than a critique of the social media generation, though, the London band’s fourth album is more about finding joy, whatever your surroundings. To quote euphoric closing track ‘Future Holds’: “Who knows what the future holds? Doesn’t matter if I got you.”

Throughout ‘Give Me The Future’, Bastille pull heavily from the worlds of literature, film and music, but it never feels overblown. Likewise, rather than getting distracted by philosophical questions about technology, the band keep a focus on the humanity at the heart of the conversation. The result is the most expansive, yet cohesive record Bastille have put their name to. In fact, they may have created a perfect soundtrack to life after lockdown.


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