June 2014 - Film

Welcome All!!

In terms of new films this month, here are two recommendations that you will find enjoyable in the cinema this month.

Films in June:

Thanks to the success of officers Jenko (Channing Tatum) and Schmidt (Jonah Hill), who went undercover as high school kids to take down a drug ring, the police department invests a lot of money in keeping the Jump Street program going. As the Koreans bought their church at 21 Jump Street back, the police move the program's headquarters across the road to the Catholic church at 22 Jump Street. Once again reporting to Captain Dickson (Ice Cube), the boys are assigned to go undercover at a local college. Their friendship takes a toll when Jenko shows interest in the football team while Schmidt breaks into the art major scene. In addition to cracking the case, they have to learn to have a mature relationship, if that's possible for these two overgrown adolescents. I watched this yesterday and will definitely have you laughing. Definitely worth a watch of comical fun. My rating 9/10.

Another film this month that has it our screens is Disney's Maleficent, the evil fairy who cursed Princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty, was once a beautiful, pure-hearted young woman living an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom. One day, an invading army of humans threatened the land where she lived and Maleficent proved herself to be a fierce protector. When she's ruthlessly betrayed, her pure heart turns to stone. Wanting revenge, Maleficent decides to place a curse on Aurora, the newborn infant of the human king. But as the child grows up, Maleficent realizes Aurora may be the kingdom's only chance for peace. This film takes on a classic twist on one of the most beloved fairy tale's and Angelina Jolie's performance is spellbinding. My rating 8/10.


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