Clear Skin by Next Week

Break up with your breakouts! Most people have a phase of their life when their skin doesn't look its best. Not everybody can afford a dermatologist, and commercial products may take too long to soften your skin. If you want clear skin cheaply in one week, then keep reading. These tips may not help everyone, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't help you. There are plenty of other solutions. Try these steps for the next seven days to ditch those bad-boy zits!!

Start Fresh:

Stop new zits from forming by cleansing every morning with a benzoyl peroxide wash. This will kill bacteria before it has a chance to settle into your skin and cause trouble. So try Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask.

Soak Up Extra Oil:

If your T-zone is oily, swipe the area with a cotton pad soaked in a toner that contains salicylic acid as it unclogs pores to get rid of the extra dirt on your face. So, try Clearasil Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Toner.

Stay Soft:

Acne treatments dry out blemishes and the rest of your face! Slather on an oil-free moisturizer with sunscreen everyday to keep your skin smooth and protected. Try Olay Fresh Effect Soak Up The Sun Protection Lightweight Moisturizing Sunscreen SPF15.

Treat Annoying Spots:

Step away from the pimple: Popping can cause infections, making the spot worse. Instead, dab a sulphur treatment on problem areas morning and night. Also, it brings down swelling until your zit disappears. For this, try Dr. Dennis Gross Correct & Perfect Spot Treatment.

Go to Bed Clean:

Not washing away the day's grime? You're asking for a breakout. Stash away cleansing wipes on you're nightstand for nights when you're to tired to move. Try Clean & Clear Night All in One Cleansing Wipes.

Here we have Lea Michele, Dianna Agron, Kristen Stewart and Jessica Lowndes displaying their beautiful clear skin....



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