How to Get the Shiniest Hair Ever

Even though, its October and the weather is drab and dull, it doesn't mean our hair has to be... If your hair's looking dull and dirty, it's time to take some action. A few extra treats will soon have it back to its shiny, healthy best.

Be a Water Fan - Just as drinking lots of water can help brighten your skin, a good dose of H2O can keep your hair shiny too.

Little & Often - If your hair is looking less than glamorous, lather up regularly with a mild shampoo to keep the dirt at bay.

Shampoo Dry Hair - If your hair ultra-dirty try applying the shampoo straight onto dry hair, leave for a couple of minutes before you get to work with water.

Get Conditioning - Condition your hair regularly to guarantee silky, shiny tresses. This easy recipe works really well and can be seen a money saving tip.

You'll need:

5 ml/1 tsp. of Soft Honey
A dash of Vinegar
50ml/3 tsp. of Evaporated Milk

Mix the ingredients together in a bowl and cover your hair from root to tip. Wind a warm towel around your head and wait for 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. The milk will cleanse your hair, while the honey nourishes and the vinegar adds a gloss.

Rinse, Rinse, Rinse - Rinse your hair under the shower until the water runs completely clear to be sure no shampoo or conditioner is left behind - it will just make your hair look dull and drab again.

Get Brushing - Groom your hair at least once or twice a day to remove built-up dirt and dead skin cells. Always brush thoroughly before you wash your hair to allow the shampoo to move easily through it.

Top Tip: There's no point brushing your shiny hair with a dirty brush. Wash your brushes and combs regularly in a bowl of warm water with a dollop of shampoo and leave them to dry on a towel.

Here we have some celebrities who have displayed their shiny locks....



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