October 2014 - Film

Welcome All!

In terms of new films this month, here are two recommendations that you may find entertaining in the cinema this month.

Films in October:

In Gone Girl, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) returns home to discover that his wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), has disappeared from their Missouri home under suspicious circumstances. Despite her quiet mid-western life with Nick, Amy is no stranger to the public spotlight; as a kid in New York City, she was the inspiration for the popular children’s book character “Amazing Amy,” earning her a host of adoring fans (and more than one obsessed stalker). As a result, the search for Amy dominates the cable news cycle - thrusting Nick, and his sister Margo (Carrie Coon), into the national spotlight.
As frustration mounts, Nick hires notorious legal defense attorney Tanner Bolt (Tyler Perry) to manage his case – a move that causes many to question what the grieving husband has to hide. However, while Nick might be presumed guilty in the court of public opinion, it is up to Detective Rhonda Boney (Kim Dickens) to investigate the case for actual evidence that proves Dunne murdered his wife.... My rating 8/10.

Once upon a time, screenwriter Keith Michaels (Hugh Grant) was on top of the world – a Golden Globe Award and a hit movie to his name, a beautiful wife and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of wit and charm. But that was fifteen years ago: now, he’s divorced, broke, approaching fifty and hasn’t written a hit film in years. Luckily, his agent has a job for him – a university in the quiet town of Binghamton is looking for someone to teach a course in screenwriting, and with an empty wallet as his motivation, Keith can’t say no. Hoping to give minimal attention to his duties and focus on writing a new script, his attitude slowly begins to turn when he meets Holly (Marisa Tomei). A single mum working two jobs to earn her degree, the pair find themselves connected by their mutual need for a second chance. My rating 9/10.


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