How to Have a Good Night's Sleep....

A good night's sleep helps you feel great and look gorgeous. Most people need around nine hours sleep each night. Try this mini bedtime routine to help you float off in a deep, calm sleep.

Have a Light Snack:

Sweet treats, heavy meals and sugary treats just before bed will keep you awake. If your tummy's rumbling, have some warm milk, a banana or a slice of wholemeal toast an hour before bed. A cup of peppermint or chamomile tea will help you relax, too.

Wind Down:

Try to relax during the hour before bed by reading a book or listening to some gentle music. Make sure all work is done earlier in the evening - doing it just before bed will leave your mind racing and will keep you awake.

Ensure your Bedroom is Peaceful & Quiet:

Make sure the curtains are pulled tight and ban any ticking clocks. If you live in a noisy household, make a 'Do Not Disturb' sign for your bedroom and use it.

Prepare for Bed:

Put a glass of water by your bed in case you wake up thirsty. Pull on some comfy PJ's, wash your face, clean your teeth and hop between the sheets. Read a while until you feel sleepy then turn out the lights.

Get Comfortable:

Make sure your neck is well supported with one or two soft pillows. Don't wrap yourself up in too many blankets - you don't want to get too hot in the night.

Let your worries float away:

Worrying can keep you awake. If you're anxious about something try this trick; imagine you're putting the problem into a box. Then imagine you're putting the box into a cupboard and locking it away till morning. This often helps you relax enough to drop off.

Good Night...


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