How to Have A Whiter Smile...

Sparkling teeth and fresh breath are a real beauty boost. These tips will help give you a head start in making this year your best yet.

Brush your teeth twice a day to remove plaque as this is the layer that builds on teeth and it is the main cause of tooth decay.

Brush for at least two minutes each time, hum along to music while you do it to help pass the time more quickly.

Don't forget to brush your tongue as well as your teeth. This will clear the surface of old food and help prevent bad breath.

An old toothbrush can't do its job properly, so change yours every three months, or sooner if the bristles are splayed.

Use dental floss regularly to clean between your teeth where your toothbrush just can't reach.

Visit your dentist twice a year to make sure your teeth are in perfect health.

A natural remedy for sweeter smelling breath is to chew parsley leaves. They're rich in a chemical called 'chlorophyll'

To help prevent tooth decay save sweets and sugary food and drink for an occasional treat.

Keep your breath fresh by rinsing thoroughly with a mouthwash. You can make your own using a strong peppermint tea. Pour water over two tea bags and wait for it to cool before popping the cup in the fridge to chill.

If you'd like really sparkling teeth you can even make your own whitening toothpaste. Baking soda has been used for years as a natural tooth whitener. It's really cheap and available in most supermarkets. Dip a dampened toothbrush into the soda, then gently brush your teeth to remove any stains and improve whiteness.

Here we have some celebrities showing off their pearly whites...


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