60th Post - April 2019

Hello All!! Hope you all are excited for Easter... I can't believe its been 5 whole years since my first post!! Thank you to all readers out there hope you are still enjoying my blog posts and hope they are still somehow helping you... I hope you all had fun in March and enjoyed my recommendations. However, April has arrived and this means its time for me to write about more things to do this month to keep everyone 'In the Know' and most importantly have a good time this month. I will post my recommendations on what the latest trends, films and tunes are, also, I will post what you can do in London whether on a high or low budget, so there will be something for everyone which can help you make an easier decision when picking a film for a date or the perfect place to go out with friends...

The laws of physics dictate that what goes up, must come down. Even when it feels as if our feet are a million miles off the ground. But when we've hit rock bottom we hope that some way, some how, our fortunes will change. That a great force will reverse the trend. The world  is filled with high rollers. Some people choose to bet on themselves. While others are happy to bet on someone else. But luck is a funny thing. It's easy to accept it when it goes your way, but when it doesn't... Call it injustice, call it treachery. But remember, the most important rule in gambling is that the house always wins. -- N


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