Finding My Way...

In this day and age, I wish things were simpler, how they used to be not worrying about the future, looks, money, relationships. Everything seems so hopeful when you're younger, then as time moves on I have started to realise it can be sometimes hard to see the light. It sometimes feels the world can conspire against you in order to find happiness. To me, a simple life is a beautiful life, sitting by a window and reading a good book, a phone call with a long-time friend or even going for a stroll down the street. However, for a long time, I have fallen victim to comparing myself to others. This has to be the most toxic thing especially with social media, you see people in their highlight reels and you start to wonder why can't I have more friends why can't I go to nicer places and this can make you feel you are being sucked into the darkness where you start to think 'Will it ever be enough?'

I guess the only thing we can do is keep doing our best to find our own happiness. For me, I try and make a list in my head of all the things I am grateful for in my life. Some days its harder than others, everyone has their problems big or small; but they're still problems and are still precedent and valid.

In terms of relationships, I personally feel their is a stigma in being on your own. You feel a slight judgement when people ask you 'Are you dating anyone?' and then there's the awkward silence... and as you say 'No - haven't met any one yet...' some people will just say ok (these are people I try and be around) then there's the other response the one you dread where they start to pinpoint 'Why?' for instance 'why don't you try dating apps?' or maybe 'change up your look' and then the doubts start to creep in. Is being in a relationship the MOST important thing? I want to say no however, I feel society makes you feel like it is. For some people, I guess they're destined to be in relationships and I guess for others (including me) it might take a little longer to find someone to bare your soul to and share moments and memories together. Until then, I need to stay hopeful and believe that in the end everything will be okay...


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