February 2020 - Film

Welcome All!

In terms of new films this month, here are two recommendations that you may find entertaining in the cinema this month.

Films in February:

Emma is based on the Jane Austen novel of the same name about a wealthy young woman named Emma Woodhouse, who stirs up trouble in her small town by attempting to be a romantic matchmaker. It’s a classic and highly esteemed tale that has been adapted into film and television on numerous occasions, including a 1996 feature starring Gwyneth Paltrow, and a BBC series in 2009 with Romola Garai. Many will recognise the story from the cult favourite Alicia Silverstone rom-com Clueless, which is a modernised version of Austen’s original novel. The latest Hollywood star to portray Emma is Anya Taylor-Joy, who has recently made a name for herself with noteworthy genre fare including The Witch, M Night Shyamalan’s Split and its sequel Glass.

Image result for emma film poster 2020"

Plus One sees long-time friends Alice and Ben find themselves in that inevitable year that all late 20-somethings experience—in which seemingly every person they know gets married and agree to be one another’s plus ones as they power through an endless parade of insufferable weddings.


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