31st Post - November 2016

Hello 'In the Know' readers, I hope you had fun in October and enjoyed my recommendations. However, November has arrived and this means its time for me to write about more things to do this month to keep everyone 'in the know' and most importantly getting ready for Christmas and making you Winter proof this November. Winter in London: A Checklist to Surviving the Cold. Cashmere stole for ice skating at Somerset House. Jacques Torres hot chocolate for window shopping the holiday displays and the perfect date for a Christmas Party.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And even the most disciplined people can resort to destruction. While others try to rebuild bridges using more intimate tactics. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Even the best laid plans can go bust. Sometimes the light is so dazzling it's all you can see. Other times dark clouds devour you and it seems the clouds will never clear. But when the sun beams while the rain falls, it can bring a bittersweet rainbow. So watch out. Just when you think you're walking off into the sunset, a lightning bolt may strike you down...


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