68th Post - December 2019

Hello 'In the Know' readers, I hope you had fun in November and enjoyed my recommendations. However, December has finally arrived and this means its time for me to write about more things to do this month to keep everyone 'in the know' and most importantly getting ready for Christmas and making you Winter proof this Christmas. Winter in London: A Checklist to Surviving the Cold. Cashmere stole for ice skating at Somerset House. Jacques Torres hot chocolate for window shopping the holiday displays and the perfect date for a Christmas Party.

In life, we grow up and we encounter the nuanced complexities of trying to figure out who to be, how to act, or how to be happy. Like invisible smoke in the room, we wonder what kind of anxiety pushes you forward and what kind ruins your ability to find joy in your life. We constantly question our choices, our surroundings, and we beat ourselves up for our mistakes. All the while, we crave romance. We long for those rare, enchanting moments when things just fall into place. Above all else, we really, really want our lives to be filled with love.

In honor of fever dreams, bad boys, confessions of love on a drunken night out, Christmas lights still hanging in January, guitar string scars on my hands, false gods and blind faith, memories of jumping into an icy outdoor pool, creaks in floorboards and ultraviolet morning light, finally finding a friend, and opening the curtains to see the clearest, brightest daylight after the darkest night. Here's to something new...

Image result for taylor swift daylight album quotes


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